Tuesday, February 9, 2010

True Love Is....

True Love is...not found in chocolate, roses, or diamonds. True love is... found in the hearts of those who love and cherish us unconditionally. And by unconditionally, I mean in spite of our human flaws, tendencies, or mistakes. Of course, the truest and purest love one can ever experience is that of the Heavenly Father. Words cannot express the love that God has for each one of us. It's truely indescribable, so unique, and beautiful. What other love can look directly in our hearts unlocking the "secrets" we've tucked so carefully within us. And, with one goal to fill our hearts with love, peace, joy, and healing. What other love could love us like this? "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life." John 3:16 What other love is a husband to the husbandless or a father to the fatherless? This Valentine's Day, first and foremost, I celebrate my first love...Jesus. I encourage you to do the same. Know that you are loved this Valentine's Day by your Creator. He loves you like nobody else can. I thank Him for teaching and commanding me to love! I thank Him for blessing me with the love of a wonderful family and the honor and joy of being the wife of a most incredible husband! Happy Valentine's Day!