Saturday, June 5, 2010


We all have busy schedules but when we let our schedules interfere with our priorities we are in danger of damaging and possibly losing valuable relationships. What and who are at the top of your priority list? Take time to evaluate your list and see if there is a dire need of rearranging.
The bible says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" (Matthew 6:33). Our first priority needs to be our relationship with God. Second, our spouse, children, family, friends, career, etc..Does your spouse know he/she is a priority in your life? Priority doesn't mean you have to spend every waking moment with this person. But, it does mean that you place that person's needs above all else including others, work, and activities. If you want someone to treat you as their priority then place them as yours. If you want to be the next person on your spouse's priority list right after God, then make sure that your priorities are the same. Remember, priorities don't always have to coincide with the amount of time you spend on them. Let's face it, most people have no option but to work 40 hours a week while maintaining everything else around us. Priorities can be met by simply taking the time to make someone feel that they are a priority. For instance, this morning my husband took time to bring me breakfast in bed and rub my feet. This took him about 45 minutes not the entire day. It made me feel as though he had me on the top of his priority list this morning. Take time to let someone know that they are one of your priorities!

Prayer by: Stormie Omartian

God, I proclaim You Lord over my life. Help me to seek You first every day and set my priorities in perfect order. Reveal to me how to properly put my husband before children, work, family, friends, activities, and interests. Show me what I can do right now to demonstrate to him that he has this position in my heart. Mend the times I have caused him to doubt that. Tell me how to prioritize everything so that whatever steals life away, or has no lasting purpose, will not occupy my time.
I pray for my husband's priorities to be in perfect order as well. Be Lord and Ruler over his heart. Help him to choose a simplicity of life that will allow him to have time alone with You, Lord, a place to be quiet in Your Word, prayer, and praise a priority. Enable him to place me and our children in greater prominence in his heart than career, friends, and activities. I pray he will seek You first and submit his all to You, for when he does I know the other pieces of his life will fit together perfectly. AMEN!

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