Saturday, June 19, 2010

DAY 24-POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE (Pray for his talk)

The words that come out of our mouths have the power to build up, edify, encourage, OR break down, destroy, and dishearten. We must be careful to choose our words wisely for once they are out there we cannot get them back. It's always wise to listen and then think before speaking. This can prevent a lot of hardships in marriages and relationships. I am very blessed in the fact that Neil is a great communicator and actually has taught me a lot on this subject. Neil is famous for thinking things through before responding to people. "The heart of the righteous studies how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours forth evil" (Proverbs 15:28). What is the coming out of your mouth? Are you speaking life into yourself, your spouse, loved ones and friends. Or has negativity caused destructive talk to flow out of your mouth? What pours out of the mouth of an individual tells you a lot about the condition of their heart. "For out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaks" (Matthew 12:34)

Prayer by Stormie Omartian:
Lord, I pray Your Holy Spirit would guard my husband's mouth so that he will speak only words that edify and bring life. Help him to not be a grumbler, complainer, a user of foul language, or one who destroys with his words, but be disciplined enough to keep his conversation godly. You Word says a man who desires a long life must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit (Psalm 34:12-13). Show him how to do that. Fill him with Your love so that out of the overflow of his heart will come words that build up and not tear down. Work that in my heart as well.
May Your Spirit of love reign in the words we speak so that we don't miscommunicate or wound one another. Help us to show each other respect, speak words that encourage, share our feelings openly, and come to mutual agreements without strife. Lord, You've said in Your Word that when two agree, You are in their midst. I pray that the reverse be true as well-that You will be in our midst so that we two can agree. Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, our strength and our Redeemer (Psalm 19:14). AMEN!

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