Tuesday, June 8, 2010

DAY 19-POWER OF A PRAYING WIFE (Pray for his past)

We all have things in our past that we would like to erase. Things we have done or said to people or things others have done or said to us. Often, times that "voice" will pop up in our mind reminding us of some unpleasant memory of the past. There is freedom in forgiveness and releasing the past. It also allows you to move into the future God has for you. Live, learn, and move on.

Prayer by: Stormie Omartian
Lord, I pray that You would enable (name of person you are praying for) to let go of his past completely. Deliver him from any hold it has on him. Help him to put off his former conduct and habitual ways of thinking about it and be renewed in his mind (Ephesians 4:22,23). Enlarge his understanding to know that You make all things new (Revelation 21:5). Show him a fresh, Holy Spirit-inspired way of relating to negative things that have happened. Give him the mind of Christ so that he can clearly discern Your voice from the voices of the past. When he hears those old voices, enable him to rise up and shut them down with the truth of Your Word. Where he has formerly experienced rejection or pain, I pray he not allow them to color what he sees and hears now. Pour forgiveness into his heart so that bitterness, resentment, revenge, and unforgiveness will have no place there. May he regard the past as only a history lesson and not a guide for his daily life. Wherever his past has become an unpleasant memory, I pray You would redeem it and bring life out of it. Bind up his wounds (Psalm 147:3). Restore his soul (Psalm 23:3). Help him to release the past so that he will not live in it, but learn from it, break out of it, and move into the future You have for him.

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