Friday, May 28, 2010


"May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose." Psalm 20:4 We are all called to a certain and unique purpose. Doubt or discouragement will most assuredly try to hinder the fulfillment of that purpose. This is why we must pray for our spouse or loved one in this area. While pressing towards our purpose, we must remember that timing is everything and God's timing is perfect. Learning to submit our purpose to God and trust that it will happen in His timing will help alleviate any discouragement. There is a certain peace, happiness, and confidence that surrounds somebody who is living their purpose. This is evident in my own husband's life when he is working on his music. Creating music is a huge part of Neil's life. He is at peace and happy when he is able to create a piece. My prayer is that he will use his talent and gift to glorify God. My part as his wife is to encourage, support, pray for, and help him in the pursuit of fulfilling his purpose.

Prayer: by Stormie Omartian

Lord, I pray that (name of person you are praying for) will clearly hear the call You have on his life. Help him to realize who he is in Christ and give him certainty that he was created for a high purpose. May the eyes of his understanding be enlightened so that he will know what is the hope of Your calling (Ephesians 1:18).
Lord, when You call us, You also enable us. Enable him to walk worthy of his calling and become the man of God You made him to be. Continue to remind him of what You've called him to and don't let him get sidetracked with things that are unessential to Your purpose. Strike down discouragement so that it will not defeat him. Lift his eyes above the circumstances of the moment so he can see the purpose for which You created him. Give him patience to wait for Your perfect timing. I pray that the desires of his heart will not be in conflict with the desires of Yours. May he seek You for direction, and hear when You speak to his soul. AMEN!

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